(n)certainties – Columbia – Fall 2007



Option Explicit
‘Script written by Mark Bearak
‘Script version Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:26:12 PM

Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim arrStrAttractors : arrStrAttractors = Rhino.GetObjects (“”select the attractors”, 1)
Dim intXMax : intXMax = Rhino.GetInteger (“how many in x?”, 30)
Dim intYMax : intYMax = Rhino.GetInteger (“how many in y?”, 30)
Dim d : d = Rhino.GetInteger (“max distance of falloff?”, 15)
Dim Color : Color = 255
Dim c : c = Color/d
ReDim arrAttractors(UBound(arrStrAttractors))
Dim strAttractor, k

For Each strAttractor In arrStrAttractors
arrAttractors(k)    = Rhino.pointcoordinates (strAttractor)

Dim i, j, l, v
For i=0 To intXMax
For j=0 To intYmax
Rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
End If
Dim arrAttractor
Dim dblDistance  : dblDistance  = d
Dim arrCenter    : arrCenter    = Array(i,l,0)
For Each arrAttractor In arrAttractors
Dim testDistance : testDistance = Rhino.distance (arrCenter, arrAttractor)
If testDistance < dblDistance Then
dblDistance = testDistance
End If
Call Rhino.AddPoint (array(i,l,0))
Dim arrPoint1    : arrPoint1    = Array(i-.015*dblDistance*v,l+.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,0)
Dim arrPoint2    : arrPoint2    = Array(i+.015*dblDistance*v,l+.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,0)
Dim arrPoint3    : arrPoint3    = Array(i+.03*dblDistance*v,l,0)
Dim arrPoint4    : arrPoint4    = Array(i+.015*dblDistance*v,l-.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,0)
Dim arrPoint5    : arrPoint5    = Array(i-.015*dblDistance*v,l-.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,0)
Dim arrPoint6    : arrPoint6    = Array(i-.03*dblDistance*v,l,0)
Dim arrPoint1a    : arrPoint1a    = Array(i-.015*dblDistance*v,l+.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,1)
Dim arrPoint2a    : arrPoint2a    = Array(i+.015*dblDistance*v,l+.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,1)
Dim arrPoint3a    : arrPoint3a    = Array(i+.03*dblDistance*v,l,1)
Dim arrPoint4a    : arrPoint4a    = Array(i+.015*dblDistance*v,l-.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,1)
Dim arrPoint5a    : arrPoint5a    = Array(i-.015*dblDistance*v,l-.025980762113533729*dblDistance*v,1)
Dim arrPoint6a    : arrPoint6a    = Array(i-.03*dblDistance*v,l,1)
Dim arrPoint7     : arrPoint7    = Array(i,l,v*dblDistance*.2)
ReDim arrObject(5)
arrObject(0) = Rhino.AddLine (arrPoint1, arrPoint2)
arrObject(1) = Rhino.AddLine (arrPoint2, arrPoint3)
arrObject(2) = Rhino.AddLine (arrPoint3, arrPoint4)
arrObject(3) = Rhino.AddLine (arrPoint4, arrPoint5)
arrObject(4) = Rhino.AddLine (arrPoint5, arrPoint6)
arrObject(5) = Rhino.AddLine (arrPoint6, arrPoint1)
ReDim arrCanopy(5)
arrCanopy(0) = Rhino.AddCurve (array(arrPoint1, arrPoint1a, arrPoint7))
arrCanopy(1) = Rhino.AddCurve (array(arrPoint2, arrPoint2a, arrPoint7))
arrCanopy(2) = Rhino.AddCurve (array(arrPoint3, arrPoint3a, arrPoint7))
arrCanopy(3) = Rhino.AddCurve (array(arrPoint4, arrPoint4a, arrPoint7))
arrCanopy(4) = Rhino.AddCurve (array(arrPoint5, arrPoint5a, arrPoint7))
arrCanopy(5) = Rhino.AddCurve (array(arrPoint6, arrPoint6a, arrPoint7))
Dim arrLoftSurface : arrLoftSurface = Rhino.AddLoftSrf (Array(arrCanopy(0),arrCanopy(1),arrCanopy(2),arrCanopy(3),arrCanopy(4),arrCanopy(5),arrCanopy(0)),,,3)
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects (arrCanopy)
If IsArray(arrObject) Then
Dim strSrf : strSrf =  Rhino.AddPlanarSrf (arrObject)
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects (arrObject)
End If
Dim lngColor : lngColor = Color -(dblDistance*c)
If lngColor < 0 Then
lngColor = 0
End If
Dim arrColorR : arrColorR = (127-(fix(dblDistance*(127/c))))
Dim arrColorB : arrColorB = (191+(fix(dblDistance*(64/c))))
Call Rhino.objectColor (strSrf, rgb(arrColorR,255,arrColorB))
Call Rhino.objectColor (arrLoftSurface, rgb(arrColorR,255,arrColorB))
Rhino.DeleteObjects (arrStrAttractors)
rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
End Sub