_11_Parrhesia ____Chronophobia

F.Book reactions extracts / NewT / 2013-16 /

(including orthographic approximations)

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…Accelerationism and de-Accelerationism are the proto=game of Anglo saxon puppets...just addicted to negotiate their strategical position in the game of power through neo-conservative Academia ()... in fact this accelerationism new gimmick produced and amplified this last cup of years appeared nothing else than the fake stuttering of the history...using Lyotard (Libidinal Economy), Deleuze-Guattari (anti-oedipe), Marx, and Negri...to justify that they could play a degree of 'excess-obscenity' able to de-alienate the system of 'power' or its representation...to place themselves at it exact center... Oh my dear proto-crypto-post accelerationist addicted pigeon Book on #‎accelerate / phenomena of strategical hypo-crisis using post-mortem philosophers to justify personal request of alienation and servitude gracefully offered to the 'mechanism of power', in the sense of M. Foucault...
 http://www.urbanomic.com/pub_accelerate.php Initially text of Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek was a kind of Accelerationist Pamphlet to help-force the left wing to move from its frozen past ideology and comfortable consciousness...and it's becoming one year later the medley of techno-illusionism and Geek- Tartufery ...who got the benefice of the crime ?



We are facing

-Wu tang Clan album bought as exclusive uses by pharma' boy

-Black color bought as exclusive uses by a 'square mile'' trader artist

-Assange refugee in Ecuador embassy

-Snowden refugee in Russia...

In the history of Art ...it’s a permanent battle... in one way the Fire Art, as the monkey representation of old regime (now called post capitalism)...with all the honors and the profits.... and ...... in the other way the physical restraint, by sequestration, "embastillement", disqualification, repudiation...solitude ////

Who do you-we want to be...??? /// some poor boys and girls... slave Architects using Big Data and technologies as the monkey fire art...to promote their authority, metabolize their toxicity, in a pseudo-scientific propaganda, visible in any neo-beaux-arts school as Sci-Arc, Iaac, Bartlett, AA, GSD...where students are maintained in stupid ignorant neo-liberal idiotcracy, using technology and big data, in an inoffensive, childish strategy of brainless... never politic, never questioning the organization of knowledge, the order of discourse... never suspecting the distribution, the sprawling of information... to keep their mode of diffusion in a blind, mute and deaf systemism.. and get back the profit of this ''Voluntary Servitude'' to quote La Boetie, to finally be paid with 30 pieces of silver. (architect are really badly paid for betraying themselves).. OR.... to wake up... not in a regressive, passive, reactionary way !!!...but to infiltrate, corrupt, des-alienate the mode of representation from those system of values and technologies... to escape from Renaissance period (stupid humanism and perspectivism as a univocal system of organization and representation / as now the GAFA could be) ...... to reach the ‘’second plateau’’... the Barocco...where the degenerative curvilinear human physiologies, where the religious war, where the uncertainties of the Political situation created an aesthetic of the ambiguity, of the ambivalence, of the Fold...BOTH in Geometry and Soul .... Topology and Mind...to question and re-evaluate the system of representation... as Assange or Snowden...not as the fire art and architecture that US academia are providing... for wealthy lazy students...at 90%...We should use technologies to corrupt them, from inside... a heliocentrical scientists Kepler or Hypatia of Alexandria corrupted the Galilean ideal platonic shape... something about....the ''Darknet'' and The Parrhesia / last lecture of Foucault at Berkeley in 1982...


The Bowl of mad-mud

In the muck-dirt-turd / human cradle to cradle loop / where substances meet in all their states of chemical transformation / from the fruit of the earth to the rejection /

Human Matter…”where it smells shit, it smells human” to quote Antonin Artaud (‘Là ou ça sent la merde, ça sent l'être.’ Pour en finir avec le Jugement de Dieu, 1947) from body metabolism…. As a cycle… of rejection – recycling (physical context), extracted, pumped, remixed, extruded from the open sky sewage ground below the pilotis... emerging on the above level, the visible level.

Robotic production from recycling matter, first antagonism.

The Ghost Content

Something was lost… the relation to the initial system of knowledge transmission… in this ‘Idiocratic’ post-capitalist regime … no one reads no more… and language has been reduced to a daily life commerce… banality and merchandising.

The people of the Slum, because of their interzone, lawless situation, can re-question this social, political and cultural Alzheimer global XXI century phenomena… via a transgressive line of escape.

We derive, we drift within the situation… to shift this relation to knowledge (rapport au savoir) in a subjective, immersive mode…

In the library, people aren’t expected to read… but to sniff the ashes coming from the books, targeting a travel ‘shot’ to a subculture cinematographic adaptation of the book.

Book readers are sniffers, disseminated in the Slum in a subjective immersive ego-trip, in the pursuit of the Selfie, a self-portrait in Alchemist mode.

At the opposite of Pro-Bono enterprises usually intervening in the slum to promote politically correctness and right consciousness…Concrete[I]land / short film / from Ballard's book

Mαkkαsαn, a kind of 'Alpha Ville', as the fear of word’s disappearance, now a fact, with the emotions that came with them, as the impoverishment of the means of expression, as a displacement perhaps and yesterday’s world might be gone and dead. The rise of the selfie as the only way to witness one’s life. To take it and put it there, nowhere really, directly, with no one acknowledging it. The absence of meditation, permanent obsession of self-portraiture, the obscene display of solitudes.

The short film is about 2 worlds (upper-condo/highway and below-slum self-organization). Below is the genetically diseased autarky, island of degeneresence, living among their rejects, in the acceptance of society’s garbage, where the social contract is a constant work in progress, unstable.

What is burned though is our memory, our culture in the form of books. The written world is sinking in the canal slum water, putrid, smelly-belly. While North Pole polar bears change their gender membership to increase their reproduction probability in the melting-ice age, here in Makkasan, people are developing by-product of substitution, a kind of cultural methadone, of easily-accessible stirring stifling barely-bearable immersive-emotional self-suggested shots.

Robotic voice process / The shelter components are done through real sensor interface robotic system... where ‘nick’s reading of the book affects the trajectory of the nozzle (voice intensity and timber) / Microphone + Sound voice recognition + RSI-Kuka = seismograph movement of the robot linked to frequency and amplitude of the sound sinusoidal curve)/ & the shelter petrified the Books reader’s voice ... witness of a lost paradise (Milton)...


/... / From inside / a review far away from the Neo-Liberal Jealousy and last "Ubermenshen" libertarian Patrick Schumacher jiggering... this past week / but within the ideological and political 'tabula rasa' which operated on the situation / Chicago Cultural Center was (is) before everything a social center.... the last homeless spot in downtown Chicago / With a tacitly organized passive violence, during the Biennial opening days only "members" with authorized badges were admitted / Rejecting the regular "trashy-freak" users / To quote Bourdieu ... Taste is an affair of business, exclusion and social class ... contemporary museums widely betray the emancipating hypothesis of their origin and foundation / At the Biennial all architects were participating to this ‘hygienist’ strategy / But the most absurd ... was to listen to their speeches about bio-politics, greenish-color and bottom-up slummy romanticism, saving Willy and the world with Joseph Grima (the curator in charge of this specific Activism Carnival) on the throne of those selves-complaisance-indulgence... at the spot and the time where the Cultural-Social Center became "bunkerized".

... Between Patrick S. and Zaha who are ignoring with cynicism the workers’ dramatic condition of servitude in Abu Dhabi, and who participated to the biggest brainwashing enterprise of these past 10 years: technologies as a strategy of ignorance-arrogance-positivism (pleonasm), and symmetrically the participants of this Biennial who "naively and innocently" excluded the damaged bodies and disordered minds, while wearing their black Penguin suits to moralistically enact political entertainment... WHO are the most criminal?

Simply the two faces of the same coin or bitcoin... feeding themselves as a reciprocity simulacrum, as ping-pong between the Cynical and the Clown... the history of intellectual Tabula Rasa... of architecture discipline...

Could we find a crack between the techno-fetishism and at its opposite the techno-regression? It is so comfortable to choose one of these chapels... there are many advantages to reduce or to falsify consciousness and knowledge...... Techno-sciences shouldn’t be an Object any more.... but a Subject that we have to re-appropriate in 'democratic anthropo-technic' strategies...

PS / Thanks to Sarah Herda for the incredible program and curating of the Graham Foundation...but why did you call Grima, the Pied Piper ? Sure you will jump over this politically correct spoiled kid on second shot in two years...we want only you...

#Thefulldispute...in [V] ACTs + [I] tragic epilogue ///

ACT I / from NT /

#‎schumacherfascist? / We could question the permanent stupidity of Patrick the "smurf"...is it intentional, a disease of intelligence, a strategy of power, a lack of anthropology, a fascination for aesthetical aesthetic as Walter Benjamin defined fascism ? .....but main question ....who got the benefits of those ashamed positions ...as the Miami school last two weeks...who is interested in this vomiting discourse with nonsense, no values, reactionary capitalism, childish positivism sciences embedded .....(exchange fake parametric dummies' tooling for original Niemeyer' pencil ....)....

Technologies is so stupid when it is only dedicated to repetition and reproduction...or arrogance of expertise...

Possible Hypothesis...Is Patrick making diversion ¿?.....to hide something in the back...more disgusting...... as a puppet crying wolf...to hide a daemon ....???

Many young architects at Acadia working with Zaha apologized in private....to be trapped in the wealthy ignorance and technoid-idiotcracy..........Now...It s up to you, to us, to invite this proto-fascism epigon to talk again and again on libertarian position as el-Khoury at Miami school of Architecture...Is it a role of a dean in academia to promote this historical lobotomy in the pursuit of Gabriele D'Annunzio...??? They are consequences...and each of us will be accounted..."first time history could be a tragedy, but its repetition, as an afterglow, will be a farce"...

ACT II / from Patrik Schumacher /

The "fascism" label has unfortunately degenerated to an indiscriminate invective ... but if we argue with a serious concept of fascism, then it should be clear that libertarianism has nothing to do with fascism but is its opposite. Fascism is an extreme form of statism, extreme interventionism in the economy and totalitarian obliteration of individual liberties.

ACTIII / from NT/

You should revise your approach...specially on the notion of Freedom, Freewill and Liberty... Advise you the "Ethic of Spinoza"...if you have time...just to re-question what seems for you the goal, the Graal, of the ideal regime of micro-free-society as !Singapore! and !Monaco! according to your own phraseology !!!... small ...Booster injections / on this misunderstanding.....

1) Liberatalia / the real-fictional pirates society in Madagascar / vigilant guardians of the people's Rights and Liberties / waging war on behalf of "the Oppressed" against the "Oppressors," with justice equally distributed..where every Thing was in common / no Hedge bounded any particular Property, and Treasure equally divided !! We should have been "Pirates" with short life expectancy...

2) Anarchia / the bio-tech island and community of Greg Egan / where the human rights are equally symmetric to the fragility of the floating ground / the first example of 'Natural Contract' in the pursuit of Michel Serres.

3) Utopia / Thomas More / to read again...and again...as a political report in real time.

4) I've heard About / New-Territories 2006 / bottom-up computation (n)certain non deterministic urbanism including neighborhood protocol _http://www.new-territories.com/protocole%20anglais.doc

5) Objectivism / Ayn Rand delirium on ''laissez-faire capitalism'' / but in fact genius writer on 'Fountain Head'

6) Libertarian / "free will" = "free market" = "USA deviationism" issues for conservative rules on economic liberal business plan.

7) Anarchism / Started with the 'Discourse on Voluntary Servitude' of La Boetie / Re-question the notion of property in the Proudhonism branch / Mutualism / Check Gracchus Babeuf and Auguste Blanqui / Main ref: LA COMMUNE de PARIS / ...to send a pebble in dummies pond - In no case this political model or anti-model could have any ideological overlaping with Singapor-Monaco-HK-Lichenstein or other Capitalism Off-shore Tax Paradise!

8) "La carta di liberta" of Carnaro / Italian Regency of Gabriele d'Annunzio / the first "Duce" / a kind of 'boudoir' and front shop of the "Salo Republic" (see Pasolini-Sade 120 days of...) / with free ''music'' on background / at the condition to be in the "harmony of the church language". Very close to the politic logorrhoea of Liberland (see #9) /http://www.reakt.org/fiume/charter_of_carnaro.html

9) Liberland (see #6) / an in-digest soup and soap of ownership claims and jungle policies / The extreme version of deregulated post-capitalism, a kind of proto-individualistic-fascism... last epigone of right-wing-anarcho-regime...agitprop-propaganda of the 'free will' illusion for wealthy-neo-petit-bourgeois... please take a ticket onboard... it's "free"...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberland

ACT IV / from Patrik Schumacher /

Francois, your atavistic yearnings for the egalitarian, collectivist, morality/sociality of the Ur-kommunist hunting band are evident: predatory pirate bands are your model. In the modern world this model can escape the most crushing poverty only as a parasite on civilisation, and yet remains a brutal form of existence, even internally. The morality of Ur-kommunist bands - communist anarchism - is incompatible with civilisation establishing rules of cooperation across large heterogeneous populations. In contrast, anarcho-capitalism is compatible with a an unlimited population with radically diverse pursuits and the most heterogeneous modes of relations, associations, with our without solidarity, and allowing for the most radical individualism and creativity. My intutition is that your persona would flourish in these conditions but would be crushed in the collectivist/egalitarian world you dream off – and this from day one. The other point which is crucial: anarcho-communism is inherently incompatible with complex economy and would thus come crashing down rather quickly. Where is your economic theory? Where are you answering the long list of theoretical and empirical economic refutations your idea of utopia has been subjected to for decades?

ACT V / from NT

So world is according to you separated in two fractions / the UR-Komunist - kind of naive and inoffensive dreamers.... and the anarcho-Capitalist as operative strategy to associate freedom and profit ???? ___ the both are coming from the 50ties / ''new-age'' facing "objectivism" .../ i m not sure the actual debate of society is to wake up the old daemons / Collectivism versus Individualism / the both died and are deeply buried / If you want to research a model or create a model of society / of living together / / should check Sympoietic (VS) Autopoietic systems / http://bethd.ca/pubs/isss-as-sys.pdf / which is our main opposition / our ontological dispute / Sympoietic is an open system and at the opposite, your main credo is a closed one, defining its boundaries by its own internal logic... / for example in the Libertarian society you launched / notion of inalienable property is written in the stone / as the first commandment ! / Sure you know how capitalism started with Barbed Wire in Ohio, restraining cattle, and stoping the previous nomadism...creating the enclosure of the values and properties...You are deeply addicted on barbed wire, to protect the autarky of 'selected people' in a misunderstanding of Rudolph Steiner notion of Enthroposophy... You are not the first my friend using this "Ubermenschen mysticism"...do you understand what it means ?!...All your declarations, positions and system are at minimum too naive, at worst irresponsible of consequences.... It creates perhaps fascination on people interested by your interpersonal skills and their individual interest to get back some subside of your success story with Zaha....but don t be cat's paw of the situation. Lars or me are not in your Carousel... making tours for brainless students in Architecture which confused knowledge and authority....

What is the audience of Patrick...? To who he is talking with this kind of hydrocephalus discourse / Mainly students in school of architecture / his favorite game with virgin mind / and who are they, now, in Anglosaxon situation after Lehman brother crisis / Do they have the education to understand what mean political-science, do they have the right to express their differences or their de-agreements facing his Logorrhea ? Never... Patrick know the situation he himself created at DRL... the perfect enterprise of lobotomization of knowledge...to appear as a GURU, as the Hamelin pied piper .. to sink an entire generation in his pond...of pseudo-science, of libertarian hypocrisis. NOW it s over Patrick... The mask fell...

EPILOGUE / from Patrik Schumacher / November 4, 2015 at 6:44 pm

Francois, the envy is all yours – a double envy in this case – and the cynicism and self-contradiction also reaches a new height with your masochistic trashing of what you yourself represent more than any of your targets. You are the ultimate tragic clown!


At the opposite ...to travel in complexity & fiction:....as processes of realities / Quentin Meillassoux / FICTION BEYOND SCIENCES.../ 'Metaphysique et Fiction des Mondes hors Science' 2013 / Hypothesis of a System using Fiction to fight the techno-sciences entropy & expertises ! / and..........Sympoietic (VS) Autopoietic systems / a new distinction for self-organizing /http://www.isss.org/2000meet/papers/20133.pdf


C’est une sécrétion immonde, une maladie congénitale du béton, dans laquelle aurait pris refuge une autre difformité, elle humaine... un nain évadé de Velasquez… qui se rit de nous… pour avoir été si naïf… délibérément abusé … de croire que les technologies étaient 'neutres'… innocentes et inoffensives envers le monde qu’elles transforment et dominent… Le nain rit… doublement… avec sa poupée de plastique-bulle ‘Lipstick Traces /1 ’, nain du nain et de lui-même… qui n’en finit pas de questionner celui qui parle…celui qui se pense ‘parlant’… dans sa défécation, éructation animalière et catatonique à la Diogène, invagination sale en version ‘babyblues’ d’une ‘origine de ce monde’ et…Courbet pétrifié…qui ne nous dit pas grand-chose, en fait… non pas qu’ils aient tort, ces deux nains, de ne pas nous parler ainsi… avec leurs ricanements sardoniques… de bêtise… de la nôtre… Mais …ce n’est pas suffisant … et y a peu de chance pour qu’on y comprenne quelque chose… à cette langue, à ce langage du dégoût…émis au creux de cette laideur…qui secrète pour nous ces mythomanies psychotiques… ils n’en sont que le vecteur…les passeurs… et ils rient donc dans leur antre de béton déféquée, par un sphincter dont nous ignorons la raison d’être, mais plus encore dont nous ne pouvons reconstituer le corps… ce corps qui nous dit ‘m...’ en la produisant…

Le ‘Quasimodo’ ricane de ce faux malentendu… en échos-graphie de notre incapacité à percevoir le monde... gesticulant avec spasmes et bégaiements… le monde… la mise en spectacle de vanités mercantiles, l’aveuglement de ces Data, ….entre le techno-régressif (Common Ground /3) au techno-illusionniste (Acadia /2)…/ Neo-capitalism (vs) Occupancy and reciprocally… / Bio-design (vs) Shale-Oil / Comput-Mimicry (vs) Vitalism / Plagiarism (vs) Singularities…. Absurdités et cynismes performatifs.

On ne peut que le haïr, ce bouffon, et tous les autres ‘échappée-belles’ de Velasquez… commedia Dell’Arte grotesque… contre cela immunisés… protégés... nous le sommes… et de mon ignorance, revendiquée, émergera un procédé… Celui qui conduit les nouveaux sous-prolétariats… contemporains… à danser en farandole.


1) Greil Marcus,Lipstick Traces, 1989

2) ‘Common Ground’ est le titre de la Biennale de 2012, avec présupposés socio-politiques d’une naïveté confondante (voir la Tour Torre-David de la famille Brillembourg, actuellement vidée de ses occupants, et parallèlement remise d’un golden lion à l’un de ses rejetons pour la mise en spectacle de son empathie complaisante / Think-tHank,sunk)

3) Acadia est un petit frère du SIGGRAPH, échelle modeste pour architectes, néanmoins utile quand il n’est pas utilisé à des fins de propagandes positivistes et de mysticismes scientifiques (éditions 2014)


It‘s a filthy secretion, a congenital disease of concrete, in which another deformity would have taken refuge, this one human... an escaped dwarf from Velasquez ... who laughs at us... for being so naive... deliberately abused... to believe that the technologies were ‚neutral‘... innocent and harmless towards the world they transform and dominate... The dwarf laughs... twice... with its plastic-bubble doll ‚Lipstick Traces /1‘, dwarf of the dwarf and of himself... which never ends questioning the one who speaks... one who thinks himself ‚speaking‘... in his defecation, animal and catatonic eructation like Diogenes, dirty invagination as a ‚baby blues‘ version of an ‚origin of this world ‚and ... Courbet petrified ... who does not tell us much, in fact ... not that they are wrong, these two dwarfs, not to talk to us like that... with their sardonic sneers... of stupidity... of ours... But... that is not enough ... and there is little chance we will understand something... about this language, about this language of disgust... emitted in the palm of this ugliness... that secretes for us psychotic mythomanias... they are only the vector... the smugglers... and they laugh in their defecated concrete cavern, through a sphincter of which we don‘t know the reason for being, but even more of which we cannot reconstitute the body... this body that tells us ‚ ‘’s …’’‚ while producing it... The ‚Quasimodo‘ sneers about this false misunderstanding... as an ultrasound of our inability to sense the world... gesticulating with spasms and stuttering... the world... the staging of mercantile vanities, the blindness caused by these Data....between the techno-regressive (Common Ground /3) with techno-illusionist (Acadia /2)... / Neo-capitalism (vs) Occupancy and reciprocally... / Bio-design (vs) Shale-Oil / Comput-Mimicry (vs) Vitalism / Plagiarism (vs)... Singularities. Nonsense and performative cynicisms. We can only hate him, that jester, and all the other ‚getaways‘ of Velasquez...ridiculous commedia dell’Arte... immune against this... protected... we are... and from my claimed ignorance, will emerge a process... Whoever leads the new sub-proletariat... contemporaries ... to dance farandole.


1) Greil Marcus, Lipstick Traces, 1989

2)‘Common Ground‘ is the title of the Biennale of 2012 with sociopolitical presupposed of an confusing naivety (see the Tower Torre-David of the Brillembourg family, now emptied of its occupants, and simultaneously given by a golden lion to one of his ofspring for the staging of its complacent empathy / Think-Thank, sunk)

3) Acadia is a little brother of SIGGRAPH, modest scale for architects, nevertheless useful when it is not used for purposes of positivist propaganda and scientific mysticisms (2014 editions)